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Soluzioni di inglese sul simple past

Gli esercizi sul simple past sono la base da cui partire per testare il proprio inglese. Ecco le soluzioni dell'esercizio.

L'esercizio di inglese sul simple past lo trovi a questo link.


1. You were at home yesterday
2. They were at school yesterday
3. You played football last Tuesday
4. She started running at 9 o’clock
5. We wanted to find another job
6. We weren’t lonely
7. He hadn’t got any Italian friends
8. You didn’t study French
9. They didn’t want to change their attitude
10. Was she at school yesterday?
11. Did you work till late last night?
12. Did he smoke cigarettes?
13. He didn’t think so
14. Did they arrive so early?
15. Were you happy yesterday?

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