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Soluzioni di inglese sul simple past alla forma interrogativa

Gli esercizi sul simple past alla forma interrogativa sono utili per testare il proprio livello inglese. Ecco le soluzioni dell'esercizio.

L'esercizio di inglese simple past alla forma interrogativa lo trovi a questo link.

1. What year did she start school?
2. Why didn’t you come to his wedding party?
3. When did you play football with Steve?
4. What year did Jim Morrison die? Was it 1971 or 1972?
5. How much did you pay for your English lessons?
6. How many times did John take his driving test before he passed?
7. Did you speak to Mario last week?
8. How old was she when she started working?
9. Which hotel did you stay in when you were in Paris?
10. How old were you when you left school?

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