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Esercizio di inglese sul simple past
Gli esercizi sul simple past sono ottimi per testare il proprio inglese.
Consigliamo di stampare la pagina dell'esercizio di inglese sul present continuous e trasformare le frasi al simple past. Le soluzioni dell'esercizio si trovano al link in fondo alla pagina.
Transform the following sentences at simple past making the appropriate changes and/or additions.
1. You’re at home now
2. They are at school now
3. You play football on Tuesday
4. She starts running at 9 o’clock
5. We want to find another job
6. We aren’t lonely
7. He hasn’t got any Italian friends
8. You don’t study French
9. They don’t want to change their attitude
10. Is she at school today?
11. Do you work till late?
12. Does he smoke cigarettes?
13. He doesn’t think so
14. Do they always arrive so early?
15. Are you happy today?
Clicca qui per le soluzioni dell'esercizio di inglese sul simple past.
Consigliamo di stampare la pagina dell'esercizio di inglese sul present continuous e trasformare le frasi al simple past. Le soluzioni dell'esercizio si trovano al link in fondo alla pagina.
Transform the following sentences at simple past making the appropriate changes and/or additions.
1. You’re at home now
2. They are at school now
3. You play football on Tuesday
4. She starts running at 9 o’clock
5. We want to find another job
6. We aren’t lonely
7. He hasn’t got any Italian friends
8. You don’t study French
9. They don’t want to change their attitude
10. Is she at school today?
11. Do you work till late?
12. Does he smoke cigarettes?
13. He doesn’t think so
14. Do they always arrive so early?
15. Are you happy today?
Clicca qui per le soluzioni dell'esercizio di inglese sul simple past.